Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Venice - Tuesday afternoon

Venice is truly a unique city. The absence of cars, the tiny streets and  squares and alleyways, the bridges over the canals and the use of boats for everything from ambulance trips to garbage collection to "taxi" rides make for a very different way of life. They say that to really see Venice, you should let yourself get lost. Eventually you will come out to come to some place familiar, but in the meantime you will have made all sorts of interesting discoveries. The three of us have done our share of wandering and getting lost. but we also have been following a plan whereby we do a particular walk or two each day. My brother and I have read a number of Donna Leon's mystery novels about Venetian Police Inspector Guido Brunetti who solves crimes thoughout the city.  While the characters are fictional, the settings are not, and a book of Brunetti's walks has been developed based on her novels. These paths are taking us deeper into the city to places which we might never have discovered. The pictures below were taken on a couple of walks and a vaporetto ride we did today. 

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