Monday, 26 October 2015

La Glorieta - a Milonga in the Park

Last night we went to our first outdoor milonga called La Glorieta de Belgrano.  We took the subway to the second last stop on our line and walked from there to a park several blocks away.  The milongas are held every weekend in a large gazebo with a polished dancing floor and a tango DJ.  Sometimes they have live music as well.  Last night there were a lot of people at this milonga, and at times we had to dance with very small steps.  The dancers here are more casually dressed, most in jeans and some wearing their practice shoes as I did.  There are three types of dances danced at milongas, each with a distinctive rhythm: the tango, the "milonga" which is a faster and more rhythmic dance, and the tango waltz. Fortunately, we were able to get a few pictures before the floor was crammed with people.  It was very pleasant dancing in the fresh air in this pretty neighbourhood called Belgrano.

Gazebo in the park

It takes two to tango!

Trying a new tango step

David and I dance a "milonga", a faster dance than the tango.

Note the polished dance floor.

Two Milongueros 

The floor gets more crowded as the milonga continĂșes.

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